Friday, August 21, 2009

“He liked to observe emotions; they were like red lanterns strung along the dark unknown of another's personality, marking vulnerable points.”

All personalities are different. While there are things that correlate personalities and create likenesses between people, no two people are the same. I somewhat believe in astrology, not necessarily daily horoscopes, but more in terms of your birth year or month or day and how that affects you the individual mainly because all the stara collided at a given moment and your were born thus creating a complex you would live with the rest or your life. And we do all have a complex, they define aspects of our psyche. Because of these reason's not everybody has to get a long. We are not 5 year old's in kindergarten where the teachers are trying to make us share and play with each other or sticking us in front of the sad face when we are mean to the girl that stole your giant pencil or making us buy valentines day cards for the entire class when in actuality I hate selfish Susan and smelly Stan! But selfish Susan and smelly Stan also had friends, I just preferred not to speak to them. And really, what is so wrong about that! We all have personality styles that we gravitate towards. For me, I prefer the slightly awkward, inappropriate d'bags who underneath everything are nice people. The reason being that I like these people, they say how they feel, they push limits and push boundaries as see what they can get away with. These people dont hold themselves back, they take what they want and break rules and apologize for it later. I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not with them, they tend to see right through your buillshit and immediately call you out on it! Who wouldn't want friends like this! But if you are in their inner circle, and you know the real them, you realize they are genuine, kind, and sometimes the biggest softies ever! And quite frankly, if these type of people don't fit in the persona you prefer to be around then dont be around them, and if you can't understand why they do the things that they do, do not deem it necessary to speak negatively of them!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ain't no rhyme or reason

Have you ever thought about living your life in the gray area? That small sector where things don't necessarily make sense, where black and white are not clearly defined colors. I once read in a book " Life isn't always black and white, and sometimes the gray areas are the ones that work best for us." The minute I read this statement I knew it was spectacular ( well maybe not for the prudish or wretched individuals that thinks there is no in between) but for me, it was one of those defining moments.

For my well-being, things don't have to always make sense nor fit into some cookie-cutter standard that god knows who came up with. I mean really why in the hell should I live in this mold that another person has a created. I was created in my own unique mold, that is not for another person to determine or even understand. But mothers and fathers are constantly saying that God broke the mold when he made their precious baby, then turn around and shove a silver spoon in their mouth and put them into a given category. We expect people to talk a given way due to where they are born, and to wear certain clothes based on if they play golf or live in the hood, and act in a certain way based on their social or racial class. Really hypocrites, think outside the lines. Things are not so black and white!

Thus being said, I think I am going to dread my hair, wear seer-suckers and boat shoes with a rebel flag tshirt and drive a hooptie!