Wednesday, November 10, 2010

call screening and a new bed.

I haven't written here lately as more of my creative writing have been dumped obnoxiously in the stupid chic book I have embarked upon writing. But I think I need to bring the blog back so I can get some of the day to day monotony off my mind. So basically...
1. I have a new love for Mumford and Sons and white wine thanks to Amber.
( This has inadvertently increased my desire to find a cute redheaded Irish and have little babies with Irish accents) ( Ok. Well maybe that was a lie, and a little far fetched. Just give me the Irish boy and no unfortunate child has to suffer with me as mother.)
2. I do love my country music. And have had a strong love for Reba after hearing Fancy and the Nights Went Out In Georgia at very young age. Come to think of it, maybe something about those songs defined a portion of my life. Poor girls with sugar daddy dreams and crazy bitches with guns. Maybe I should just write a song, name it "I Got Girlfriends with Guns" I'll explain the situation to Rhett Atkins, and let him know having girlfriends with guns is way more awesome that friends with tractors ( bc the girlfriends with guns know how to drive tractors in my thats hot.)
Ok, back to my point....Reba, I love you. But do not sing Beyonce songs. Beyonce is the goddess of all things R&B and the body to prove it. You are the creme' de la creme' of country. Stick with country.
3. Why is Oregon so far away.
4. Tonight will be my first night sleeping in a bed that is not covered in a mountain of down. Thanks to a new-to-me pillow top mattress. I'm not sure how this is going to go down, but if someone has their head bitten off tomorrow, do not cast your eyes towards me. I giving my disclaimer now.
5. Why do old people wear really awful perfume? I mean really, do people completely lose their sense of smell the older they get or do they just like the smell of musk. Or Must in my opinion...because they stank!
6. The same number has called me for the past 5 minutes, every minute, w/o leaving a message. I do not know this person, but I'm fairly certain whomever you are, you are probably stalking me. If you were smart you would leave a voicemail, or send me a text, because whoever you are...I may not want to talk to you and yes, I do screen my calls.
Ok. That is all. Good night.
And long live country music.

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