Monday, April 19, 2010

Exploitations of a skanky girl...

Ok, so I may not be skanky. Scandalous may better suffice. Ok, so maybe not scandalous, I do have a reputation to uphold here.Well, that is, if there is still a reputation to uphold. I think there are few Saturday nights that could have ruined my reputation or created an entire new one. I'm not so sure, they were a bit hazy. None involve the stereotypical going home with a person I don't know, but most involve waking up with a phone number I'm unsure of, some have involved meeting a new guy when I'm out with another, and once or twice may involved dancing on a bar. But in terms of reputation, really why should I base my sole existence around some nonsense others think about me. Wouldn't we all be a little bit more free if we were not trying to maintain a reputation. Personal opinion, I don't think you really begin to live until you remove the bars that are surrounding your existence. Why do you think the skanks of the world can thrive in a celebrated fashion?
So here's what I say.....Live on skanks... live on the white trash, trailer park hood rats. I will be forever indebted to your cut off jorts, Pall Mall smoking, Natural light drinking, baby on your hip, K-Mart feet, chewing Big Red, with Johnston County hair (sincere apologies if that offended you, but it is a cross between the Kate Gosselin and the mullet), and rouge lipstick. You have perfected the art of embracing your skank-tastic reputation of looking dirty and cheap while flaunting your Tweetie bird tattoo and tramp stamp to a man that has no desire to even give you a quarter to call a person who cares. You find your self fascinating to everyone, when really it is only Bubba down the street with the beer belly and one tooth. And think about, what is the perfect vacation for the skank...a trip to Graceland wearing Jorts with their Camera and Pall Malls in an acid wash fanny pack.

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