Monday, February 14, 2011

a conglomeration of pointless facts.

1. I get muscle cramps in my calves frequently while sleeping..this is probably has a central medical cause, like a lack of potassium or some other vital nutrient. I do take a potassium supplement, which quite often counteracts this. But I am fairly certain there is a softball in my leg that is about to hit a grand slam at 3 am.
2. I strongly dislike water on my hands. Maybe it was an excuse not to wash dishes as a child, but I just don't like the feeling of my hands being dripping wet, and immediately feel the need to dry every nook and cranny before moving along.
3. My phone has an obnoxiously short battery life. I'm sorry phone developers, but if you are going to make a high power phone, please make a batter that can last more that 2.5 hours, it is quite annoying.
4. I like eating orange sherbet when I'm hungover. Or any other time I don't feel well.
5. Valentine's Day is 100% absolutely, positively, without a doubt....STUPID. And this is not because I am single, its because I hate chocolate, allergic to bullshit, and the smell of flowers always toy with my sinus's this time of year.
6. I run...I run fairly frequently...4 + miles that is...I HATE RUNNING. I do it for the mental test.
7. I'm a perfectionist in many areas. But I could care less if my bed is made dishes are washed or room is tidy.
8. My closet is color coordinated. I can't sleep if the color scheme is out of balance.
9. Sometimes I dream about insurance claims and dropping an entire tray of drinks on people at the same time.
10. I had a childhood doll, his name was Bubbles, he was a clown, we were inseparable...I hate clowns.
11. I have been both a Girl Scout and a Boy Scout in my lifetime.
12. Most likely, I will become an old cat lady. If not, the person that convinces me to fall in love with them had better be a Greek god. I have loved once, and for me, that was enough.
13. Yes, I just stole #12 from The Notebook.
14. I have to move in 2.5 months. I am getting a 1 bedroom apartment with my own lease, and the electric/cable bill in my name. Hell will surely freeze over that day.
15. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE...did I mention HATE...talking on the phone. I'm not sure how I survive on a daily basis except knowing it pays my bills...but I HATE talking on the phone.
16. And I screen calls.
17. My brother has a dog, or tiny terror, his name is Hank and he is the best face to come home to every day. He loves you, . I know the minute I open the door there is going to be this cute face ready to attack, and hug, and lick, and play. And he is one good cuddler.
18. Screw love, I'm getting a dog.
19. I secretly, well secretly until now, LOVE the McChicken Sandwich at McDonald's. I'm not sure why, but its on of my silent indulgence's.
20. You cannot make people do things they do not want to do. While they may do it, they will essentially resent you.
21. I'm not sure how you spend your whole life anticipating it to follow a certain standard or guideline and in a split sent all the rules are out the window, but it happens everyday.
22. There is beauty in the breaking.
23. It takes 10 alarms and coffee just to lure me out of bed in the morning. Even then I hate the world.
24. Every person should have good towels, the kind that wrap around your entire body.
25. Why pay for a pedicure, when you can just walk on the beach.
26. I crave the feeling of sunkissed skin all year.
27. I have accepted the fact I will never be skinny, and I'm ok with that. I can run 5 miles, eat healthy, enjoy life, and occasionally score cute companions.
28. I have a to do list for this year. 1 and 2 coincide ... finish the book and visit Savannah, really...the rest are just details.
29. Who is the tool that calls me from a restricted number.
30. Whoopi was right on many of life's lesson.

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