Saturday, February 12, 2011

nasal dripage

Sinus = a pitfall in society.

Currently, my sinus have felt the need to drain in a largely obnoxious manner. If I could have tripped myself running this morning to end the brutality I probably would have. But instead, I decided to suffer in silence. Well, maybe not silence considering in had lost all ability to breath out of my nose and the Victoria Falls of snot had decided to drip down my face. Endearing, I know.
As I watched all the Nike clothing and tennis shoe clad people pass me, I quickly wondered why I was the only person stopping to blow my nose every 5 minutes, and everyone else was running blissfully with the face of a runners high.
Quite frankly, it was pissing me off.
Apparently my nose hates me, not that I have much control over that, but I do not prefer running with a wad of tissues or chance drip-page seeping into my chest cavity because I keep sniffling. MMMMMMMM.
I suffered through 4 miles, I suffered in pain. By the end my cheeks even heart.
And now, all I have to say....I better beast this 10K in March.
And there better not be drippage, or else I'm taking DayQuil and Sudafed at the same time and running the 6 miles on sheer adrenaline.

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