Tuesday, February 15, 2011

the devil wore prada...now he wears walmart

Life on a budget.

The 4 failed words no mid-twenties something girl likes to hear.
Reality ... yes
Fun ... No

Someday's I wake up and wish I was like one of the people that graduated college and went straight into some amazing career, and had already put in 4 hard years in a career, worked my way up from the bottom, and well on my way to the big leagues....

Oh, wait, never mind I did do that..And I'm fairly certain I lost my soul in the process.

But now, here I am, starting over,slowing putting the pieces back together, so slowly the there is a turtle and a snail in a race with each other, and not even Jimmie Johnson can figure out who is making a left turn.
There were 2 subtitles in that statement, but only a select handful will understand.

Budgeting encompasses every aspect of your life. I long ago traded my Dior mascara for Maybelline and gave up all hopes of driving a car without 200,000 miles and tings and tangs all over the place. I once had a '91 Ford Escort station-wagon, hatchback. I was 3 different shades of burgundy, the hatch had to be held up with a stick, and if you could imagine a car part breaking it probably did. I once drove it an hour with only 1st,3rd, and 5th gear...and it was a manual. And once you had the car in 5th, it would not come out.

On the note of cars, I must take my car to every bitterly poor person worst fear...the mechanic. And face the deep breath in/deep breath out multiple anxiety attacks that will follow...... Will my car make it to the shop? Oh, God its going to die! I've killed it, somebody better teach me how to take the bus. Then once, in your mind, the car has "coasted" into to garage, you realize they now have to look at the issues. And quote you the ill-fated price. The quote that will cause you to sell you soul to the devil. Its not even a price your crack can cash...
And then, once you have scraped your chin off the ground, wiped away the stinging tears, and regained your composure, you tell them to fix it...but you'll be waiting in the dish pit at McDonalds because god knows your really going to need 2 jobs now.

Maybe I can bat my eyes and get a discount....


But I am not opposed to flirting with a grease monkey.

Plus grease monkeys do not mind if you bought your pants at Goodwill and shirt at Wal-Mart...if you have all your teeth and have the ability to hand him a Budweiser he is probably happy.

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